Andrew Jeffrey

Inverness-shire Andrew Jeffrey

The Network Live

2 mins news package
Sky News, MGEITF

Power from the People

1 x 90 mins, Schools Outreach (Director)
Government of Abu Dhabi

Future Earth

1 x 60 mins, Schools Outreach (Science Communicator)
Edinburgh International Science Festival

Speareshaketon, Speareshaketon

1 x 45 mins, Theatre Production (Director)
Scottish Youth Theatre


Andrew first came into contact with ScreenHI when he successfully applied for The Network talent development scheme at MediaGuardian Edinburgh International TV Festival in 2012 where his place was sponsored by ScreenHI He experienced a taste of what life is like working in the Media Industry Working with Sky news over the course of four days he pitched, researched, filmed and edited his own news story to be part of the Network Live - a 30 minute live production which was broadcast to all the delegates attending the festival This opportunity allowed him to take his first steps into the media industry having worked mainly in theatre productions and theatre in education touring programmes He spent three days on The Network programme learning about all aspects of production culminating in the production of The Network Live, a half hour live recording.

Up until now he has focused mainly on working with young people aged between 3 – 18 years old in a range of different roles from interactive storytelling to science communication Each role helping develop his understanding of young people and how they enjoy engaging in educational material He hopes to use this practical experience of working with young people to help develop a stronger knowledge and understanding of children's television and its educational output.

We have provided this area of our website for companies and freelance practitioners that ScreenHI has worked with in the Screen and Broadcast industry based in the Highlands and Islands to showcase, network and profile their work and craft.